
Kriddlers cove

Kriddle Nation Shop is for the people plain and simple. (R.A.T.S) Retards About Themselves.. aka not loyal humans or nation member worthy! This is not a brand.... It's a statement!! that speaks for all people State raised and federally funded, No Fu*ks Given Souls, Life Without Restraints, No Holds Barred Freedom supporters!!! 

Welcome to the kriddle nation shop...

The store is closed for maintenance

Why Choose Us?

We believe in Loyalty, Respect and helping those close to us. Unfortunately that has become a rarity in this customers opinions are always important, if you have any comments or suggestions shoot us a message. 

About Us

Andrew & Tessa

Store Owners

We are real people...  the kind that believe in speaking your mind and speaking truth. Honestly think of this shop as more of a statement than just a store, it's a way to speak your mind with your style and let that no fucks given, no rats welcome, keepin shit real self be seen and heard!! Enjoy the shop and as always keep it real 💯.


Use this space to list your offline location(s) and alternate places where your goods can be purchased online or in person. Be sure to include your full physical address if you have a physical store. Leave this section empty if your goods are only available in this online store.